What happens when you push a drawing robot past its physical limits? 
Designed in Grasshopper, these drawings took on a different quality when executed using a pen plotter and brush pen. The up-and-down drawing motion dictated by the encoded design was too much for the plotter's grip, causing slippage that resulted in orthogonal offsets. This process causes the drawings to look as if they are being pulled apart or dismembered.
Code structure: generated one Fibonacci spiral; rectangular array; chose a random point; cropped around the point to the aspect ratio of the plotting area; scaled drawing to the size of the paper.
Early Process Drawings
These early studies were inspired by the drawings of Daniel Zeller, who uses imagery drawn from microscopic cell cultures and urban and agricultural landscapes to create organic patterns which seem to be devoid of scale. The Grasshopper code for this set incorporates voronoi patterns and systems of randomly generated lines in an attempt to simulate masses of cells.

Graphite drawing by Daniel Zeller

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