This is a research report for a potential replacement for the Magdi Yacoub primary-secondary school in Cairo, Egypt, with a focus on maximizing thermal and visual comfort while minimizing resource consumption. D-Lab Schools: Building Technology classes in the past have designed and analyzed schools in many different countries, but a collaboration with Mansoura University in Egypt through the Center of Excellence in Energy led us to pursue a site in Cairo. We analyzed structural aspects of the building, such as ventilation and daylighting in order to create the most comfortable learning environment while reducing energy costs. This report details the initial analysis of climate, rice straw availability, classroom energy balances, beam design, and thermal and visual comfort design. Using these results, a new building design will be proposed.
Comfort and Material Optimization in Cairo Schools
Final report for Design Lab Schools taught by Les Norford.
Collaborators: Nicole Teichner, Vanessa Pipitone